Cell tower balloon test public notice

Event Date: 
Saturday, June 25, 2022 (All day)

Update as of 6/22:  Weekend balloon test is likely to be held on Saturday, June 25.  Please check website linked below after noon on Friday to confirm.



Vertex Tower Assets, LLC (the “Applicant”) has applied for a Special Permit from the Town of Buckland Planning Board and Variances from the Town of Buckland Zoning Board of Appeals to construct a Personal Wireless Service Facility including a 150-foot-tall monopole style tower (156’ to top of highest appurtenance) at 28 Martin Road, Buckland MA 01338 Tax Assessors Parcel: 8-0-60.  The Applicant will conduct a Visual Demonstration to illustrate the location and height of the proposed Facility by means of a balloon raised at and to the height of the proposed Facility.

Said Visual Demonstration will be held from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM on

TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2022 AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 2022 (the “Weekday Visual Demonstration”) AND

SATURDAY JUNE 18, 2022 (the “Weekend Visual Demonstration”).

In the case of inclement weather on Tuesday June 14, 2022 and/or Wednesday June 15, 2022, the Weekday Visual Demonstration will be rescheduled to the next successive weekday and each weekday thereafter, wind and weather conditions permitting, until two WEEKDAY VISUAL DEMONSTRATIONS have occurred.

In the case of inclement weather on Saturday June 18, 2022, the WEEKEND VISUAL DEMONSTRATION will be rescheduled to the next successive weekend day and each weekend day thereafter, wind and weather conditions permitting, until one WEEKEND VISUAL DEMONSTRATION has occurred.

If you have any questions concerning said Visual Demonstration, please contact the Town of Buckland Planning Board, PlanningBoard@town.buckland.ma.us OR Francis D. Parisi, Esq., Parisi Law Associates, P.C., PHONE: (401) 447-8500, EMAIL: fparisi@plapc.com.  Please check the website www. plapc.com  after noon on the day before the scheduled date(s) to determine if the balloon will be up the following day.