Emergency Management

The Town of Buckland is invested in emergency preparation, operations, and recovery planning.

Buckland officials are currently reviewing and revising the town’s emergency preparation, response, continuing operations, and recovery plans.

In the event of a declared emergency, regional, state, and federal assistance will be provided. If the disaster is extensive, external response and assistance may be delayed. The foundation for our planning is based upon 72hours local response. 

Buckland residents and businesses should develop individual emergency plans, response, and continued operations on a 72 hour response window, as well. It may take town staff and emergency responders 3 days to access all residents in the event of a broad disaster or catastrophic event.

Include in your emergency planning:

  • Know your neighbors.
  • Check on the elderly, mobility impaired, or fragile populations.
  • 3 days water, food, fuel, etc.
  • Be weather aware.
  • Establish redundant or back-up systems -- power, fuel, communications, etc.
  • Establish lines of communication -- how will you contact friends/family during school, work, vacation, etc.
  • Access to cash. Power outtages limit access to money.

Disasters don’t wait for weekends or holidays to occur. Our collective emergency preparedness enables our whole community to respond and recover more quickly and effectively.

What is an Emergency?

Emergencies are events which are natural or man-made ranging from storms, fires, wildfires, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and tornadoes to chemical spills, extended power outages, pandemic infections, etc. 

The worst time to prepare for an emergency is DURING a crisis.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Herb Guyette Emergency Management Director