Winter Parking Ban

Buckland’s Winter Parking Ban is in effect December 1st through March 31st.  No overnight parking on any town street, roadway, or sidewalk will be allowed between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m..  Either the Police or  Highway Department may, for any purpose of removing or plowing snow or ice, remove any vehicle that interferes with such work.  The only exception will be emergency vehicles in the performance of emergency work.  The removal of any vehicle and the total cost of such removal, including storage/garaging will be the responsibility of the registered owner of said vehicle.

Overnight municipal parking is available in designated Town Lots; (A) The long lot located just off the street passed the Eagles parking lot; (B) The Eagles parking lot adjacent to the Fraternal Order of Eagles building (in unmarked spots); (C) the Town Hall lot behind the Town Hall off William Street; and (D) the Salmon Falls lot behind the Salmon Falls Building on Ashfield Street. 

PLEASE NOTE: There will be no parking allowed in these lots from 8:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon after precipitation has fallen and the streets have been cleared, when plowing and/or sanding is necessary to clean the lot. Any vehicle left in these parking areas after 8:00 a.m. will be subject to fines and towing.