Buckland Trails Summit to Envision a Town Connected by Trails

Would you like to see more walking and hiking trails in the town of Buckland? Join your neighbors at the Buckland Trails Summit on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024.  

While the town of Buckland has a few existing trails right now, they remain short and do not connect from place to place.  Other towns, such as Ashfield, have implemented their vision of a trail network.  The Ashfield Trail network now includes over 20 miles of trails across town and continues to expand.  Could Buckland do something similar?  Trails offer many benefits including recreation, health, tourism, conservation and economic development.  Let’s join together to discuss what we can accomplish.  

The Summit is open to everyone who is interested in trails including residents, property owners, business owners and local officials.  Residents from neighboring towns are welcome to join us.  

Now that the town of Buckland is a member of the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts, grant funding for creating new trails is available to Buckland.  Now is the perfect time for community members to share their vision for creating a network of trails throughout the town.

The summit will begin at 10am on February 3rd, 2024 at the Buckland Town Hall with a presentation and group discussion. Then, from 11am to 3pm, community members can remain or drop in at any time to offer suggestions, add their notes to a town map or recommend priorities for locations and types of trails.    

Pre-registration is not required but is appreciated to gauge how many people plan to attend.  If you would like to join us, please contact Chris Skelly at ccskelly12@gmail.com.