69 Conway Street Request for Proposals




The Select Board of the Town of Buckland, Massachusetts (the “Town”), is soliciting proposals for the sale of a parcel of Town-owned land located at 69 Conway Street in Buckland, Massachusetts, identified by the Assessors as Parcel 6-3 0 25, and containing 0.59 acres, more or less (the “Property”), which Property is the location of the former Buckland Police Station.  The Property will be sold subject to a historic preservation restriction requiring the buyer to maintain the exterior façade of the building on the Property.

Proposal packages may be obtained by contacting Heather Butler, Town Administrator (email: twnadmin@town.buckland.ma.us; phone: (413) 625-6330 x5, Mondays through Thursdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (holidays excepted).


The Town of Buckland is interested in selling the Property at the highest monetary consideration for uses that meet the best interests of the Town, as set forth in the Request for Proposals. The Town makes no guarantees as to the future development of the Property. Proposers are advised to consider all zoning requirements, submittals, and reviews by the Town required for the further development of the Property. The proposer shall be required to follow all federal, state, and local statutes, rules and bylaws as required to develop the Property.

The sale of the Property has been authorized by Town Meeting pursuant to the vote taken under Article 3 of the November 7, 2023 Special Town Meeting. The successful proposer must be prepared to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement no later than thirty (30) days from the date the sale of the Property has been awarded to the successful proposer.

Proposals must be received by the Town no later than 2 p.m. on Monday, April 8, 2024 in the Town Administrator’s Office, Buckland Town Hall, 17 State Street, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370, at which time all proposals will be opened publicly. Please ensure that proposals mailed to the Town are delivered by the deadline. Proposals must be sealed and clearly marked “Town of Buckland Purchase of Former Police Station” in the lower left corner. Fax submissions and submissions by electronic mail will not be accepted.

No proposer may withdraw his or her proposal for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days after the date set for the opening thereof. The awarding authority is the Select Board.

The Town has determined that this transaction is subject to the Uniform Procurement Act, G.L. c. 30B. Therefore, the provisions of G.L. c. 30B are hereby incorporated by reference in this Request for Proposals (“RFP”). The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to negotiate any and all non-mandatory contract terms with the successful proposer, or to cancel this procurement at any time if it is in the Town’s best interest to do so.

By:      Heather Butler                                                                        Date: February 28, 2024

Buckland Town Administrator