Shelburne Falls Water Resource and Recovery Facility

What to do if you have a sewer backup at your home in the Towns of Buckland and Shelburne:

  • You should notify Water Resource and Recovery Facility at (413) 625-2300 between 8:00AM – 4:00PM
  • During evening, holiday, and weekends (413) 361-8146
    This policy will allow the sewer collections manager the opportunity to determine if the problem is in the main sewer lines rather than your home service.
    When calling please give your name, telephone number, and the address of the problem sewer service.
    Once sewer collection personnel have determined if the problem is in the main sewer or in the service, they will notify you.
    Should you fail to notify the Wastewater Treatment Facility personnel and the problem is in the main sewer line, the Towns liability for damages maybe greatly reduced.

Sanitary Sewer Overflows

A Sanitary Sewer Overflow or SSO is any overflow, spill, release, discharge or diversion of untreated or partially treated wastewater from a sanitary sewer system.

The Village of Shelburne Falls is a permitted owner of a municipal sewer system and per 314 CMR 16, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection requires public advisory notifications of SSO's within the community when they occur.

This page will provide all required public notification information of SSO's that occur in Shelburne Falls.

When a discharge or overflow occurs, the Towns of Buckland and Shelburne will send out a public advisory notification.  On business days, this website will be updated within 8 hours of the notification.  During weekends or holidays, this website will be updated on the next business day.  

In addition to finding information on this site, you may subscribe to receive public advisory notifications by email or text message. To subscribe:

Buckland: Join the Town of Buckland “Notify Me” subscriber-based system Civic Plus
Shelburne: Join the subscriber-based system Blackboard Connect
You can also see a list of discharge and overflow events on the MassDEP website here.  This list is updated within 24 hours of when the public advisory notification is sent. 

Current SSO Status
There are no active SSO's in Shelburne Falls


Staff: Chris Drury Operator, Max Leh Operator, Daniel Fleuriel Operator, Rook Schatz Collections Manager

The Shelburne Falls Water Resource and Recovery Facility is located in Buckland, Massachusetts and serves the village of Shelburne Falls which is located within the towns Shelburne and Buckland. The plant operates and maintains a regional Water Resource and Recovery Facility with an outfall into the Deerfield River since 1974. The average daily flow is 0.2 millions of gallons a day (MGD). The plant, like other Water Resource and Recovery Facility, uses biological processes to clean the waste and pathogens from the water. It is unique in that remaining sludge is then sent to reed beds where more of the water is removed. During the disinfection season between April 1 and October 31, the effluent is treated with ultra violet light.