Completed - Apple Valley Road

Culvert Repair

Repairs to the Apple Valley Culvert were completed in September 2021. Portions of the road, between Town lines, were repaved. 

The final cost of the project was $403,559. 


The Town of Buckland awarded a contract to J.H. Maxymillion, Inc. for $275,571.05 and we anticipate our preconstruction meeting happening next week. 

Construction will be completed this fall, allowing the brook to naturally recede and provide the easiest and less intrusive access to the culvert. 

The Apple Valley Culvert Repair project is currently in environmental review and a Notice of Intent has been filed with the Buckland Conservation Commission. The project was introduced at their March 1, 2021 meeting and the hearing was continued to Monday, April 5th. The Conservation Commission met on April 1, 2021 with Town Officials, abutters and the VHB Engineering team to view the site and discussed the project as it relates to the Wetlands Protection Act. See photos. 


The Town of Buckland will repair the culvert on Apple Valley Road with a small bridge using funding from a 2018 Small Bridge Grant Program, coordinated through MassDOT. 

The $418,000 grant funds engineering and the construction phases of the project. 

The engineering was completed by VHB and plans were approved by MassDOT in Janurary 2021. 

Construction is anticipated for late summer 2021. Although there will be some delays it is the plan to maintain vehicle traffic through-out construction.